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We are excited to welcome you to Prospect Bay Country Club! Below is some useful information to help you enjoy your time with us!

Guest Policy

Prospect Bay Country Club is a private establishment and all guests must be accompanied by a member or attending a special event hosted at the Club such as a wedding, fundraiser, business meeting, etc.

Dress (applies to members and guests)

Dress casual is allowed at all times. Denim may be worn in the Grille Room provided it is not ripped, torn or excessively faded. Dress denim is permitted but not preferred in the Main Dining Room.  Tee shirts or bathing suits are not permitted to be worn in the Clubhouse with the exception of those members ordering or picking up take-out food or beverage orders (bathing suits must be properly covered).  Items not acceptable to be worn in the Clubhouse include, but are not limited to, work jeans, bib jeans or overalls, cutoffs, sweatpants, sweatshirts, tank tops, halter tops, fishnet tops, athletic shorts, short shorts (please use golf length shorts as a guide), work shorts, work boots or hunting attire. Torn or ripped pants are also not acceptable.  

Personal Property

The Club will exercise reasonable diligence but will not be responsible for loss or damage to members’ and guests’ personal property, even though this property is checked, or otherwise left at the Club.  

Food and Beverage

No food, beverages, or alcoholic beverages may be brought onto the Club premises, including the Clubhouse, golf course, tennis courts, pool area, and parking lots, by members or guests unless purchased from the Club, except for special events approved in advance by the General Manager. 


Parking in the entrance circle or delivery area is prohibited, including golf carts.  Only handicap-licensed vehicles will be allowed in parking spaces reserved for the handicapped.


No soliciting of any kind will be permitted in the Club or on Club property. 


Pets are not permitted on Club property, including the golf course, at any time.